Majesty and decay is the title of the last album of the band of Death Metal of Yonkers New York IMMOLATION… to seem the best band of Death at present Metal of the world…
The disc is very next to leave; it leaves the 5 March in Europe and the 9 of the same month in EE.UU and luckily we can listen to (to only listen in line) some songs of the disc in the Metalkult page…
Creo que el disco mantiene la calidad de la banda, creo que sigue la línea del anterior disco “Shadows in the Light”, mismo sonido, mismas aceleraciones repentinas y convulsivas… con partes lentas y marchantes como sacados de una fabrica que creo es ya un sello personal de la banda, y por supuesto la guitarra de Robert Vigma sigue igual de genial como siempre…osea que en síntesis el disco esta genial… no te decepcionara para nada, bueno eso lo puedes esperar de cualquier banda de metal complaciente.. pero no de IMMOLATION..ellos nunca me han decepcionado en lo más mínimo… toda su carrera ha sido siempre en asenso… aunque debo reconocer que hasta ahora no logran opacar a “Close to a World Below” … que pienso es su mejor creación, y está entre los mejores discos de metal que escuche en mi vida…pienso que tremenda pieza de arte será muy difícil de superar.
I think this disc maintains the quality of the band, I believe that it follows the line of the previous work in “Shadows in the Light” album, same sound, same sudden and convulsive accelerations … with slow and merchant parts as removed from a factory it makes that I create is already a personal seal of the band, and by all means the guitar of Robert Vigma follows brilliant equal of… as always osseous that ….in synthesis the disc is brilliant … did not disappoint you for anything, good you can wait for that it of any obliging metal band. but not from IMMOLATION. never they have disappointed to me in the minimum… all their race has been always in consent… although I must recognize that until now they do not exceed to “Close to World Below”… that fodder is its better creation, and is between best metal discs than listens in my life… fodder that tremendous piece of art will be very difficult to surpass
Here you can see a promotional previous video with the drummer Steve Shalaty while it recorded one of the songs of the disc…. For the people whom it likes the drums (as me for example) it is brilliant to see this small video… I hope you enjoy it
Hasta la próxima.............. see you.