I have never felt attracted by the Expanded Universe (EU) of Star Wars (Expanded Universe: histories developed in Comics, books, novels and series (the present CloneWars for example), developed like an extension of the history seen in the films of StarWars and that tells to histories about main or secondary characters in diverse situations like an extention of the history of the films including with personages who are exclusive of the Expanded universe and that soon by their level of popularity between fans were integrated to the history seen in the films…).
Pero luego de ver este Trailer para el juego Star Wars The Old Republic… Jedi Vs. Sith realmente me dan ganas no solo de jugar el juego sino también de aprender más sobre el universo expandido … Este es un juego Lanzado el 2009 y es parte de toda una sub historia dentro del universo Star Wars llamada Caballeros de la Antigua República y esta vendría a ser como una secuela de los primeros juegos lanzado dentro de esta serie… temporalmente está ambientada entre los 25,000 y 1000 años antes de la batalla de Yavin ABY (la batalla de Yavin es aquella batalla que vimos en la primera película de starwars estrenada el año 1977 (ahora llamada ep 4 “A New Hope”) y en donde vimos la destrucción de la primera estrella de la muerte por parte del entonces joven Luke Skywalker.
Observen este Trailer… creo que les gustara
But after to see this Trailer for the game Star Wars The Old Republic… Jedi Versus. Sith really gives me desire not only to play the game but also to learn more about the Expanded Universe… This is a game released on 2009 year and is part of a whole sub history within the Star Wars universe called “knights of the Old Republic” and this would come to be as a sequel of the first games release within this series… temporarily is located between the 25.000 and 1000 years before the battle of Yavin ABY (the battle of Yavin is that battle that we saw in the first film of starwars released year 1977 (now called ep 4 “A New Hope”) and where we saw the destruction of the first Death Star by of then young Luke Skywalker.
So..observe this Trailer… I think that you will like It….
Me parece alucinante que en solo unos 4 minutos se logre tal nivel de acción y tensión .. es increíble.. uno de los mejores trailers basado en el universo starwars que vi en mi vida.. es la acción de Matrix con jedi siths y espadas laser…. Todo un sueño… ¿se imaginan si algún día hubiera una película de starWars de 2 horas basado en este trailer?... creo que sería un sueño.
seems to me hallucinating that in about 4 minutes it is only it obtained such level of action and tension. It´s incredible. one of the best trailers based on the starwars universe that I saw in my life. it is the action of Matrix with jedi siths and lightsabers …. It´s a dream… so.. imagine if someday there were a film of starWars of 2 hours based on this trailer? … I think that it would be a dream.
Espero les guste................I hope you like it.